10 promises

How do you commit to a promise that takes place in 10 parts over the course of 10 years? How do you give a gift to a little girl that doesn’t even talk yet, a gift that says I’ll be around to be a good uncle, when the same gift implies that you can barely promise you’ll be in the same city more than once a year?
10 promises is an empty photo album with 10 implied interactions between an uncle and his niece. Every page of the book has an IOU that can be cashed in once a year over the course of 10 years at any given moment. The uncle must oblige, and provide the means to fulfill the theme of the IOU, in person with his niece, over the course of an entire day. Spoiling is optional, but in the spirit of the exercise almost necessary. Every IOU is scheduled to end with a complimentary photograph that is placed next to the IOU in the photo album. (link to preface text).

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